2011 – BS in Physics and Music, Tufts University
2013 – MSE in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
Starting date August 2016; Qualifying Exams: October 2017; Proposal: November 2019; Defense: November 2020
PhD Topic (Tentative): Linear and nonlinear acoustic imaging for therapeutic guidance
Expected graduation date: Fall 2020
Research interests: Passive acoustic mapping, cavitation, nonlinear acoustic effects
- Schoen Jr, S. J. and Arvanitis, C. D. “Acoutsic Source Localization with the Angular Spectrum Approach in Continuously Stratified Media” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(4) EL333-EL339, 2020. DOI: 10.1121/10.0002095
- S. J. Schoen Jr, Z. Zhao, A. Alva, C. Huang, S. Chen, and C. D. Arvanitis “Morphological Reconstruction Improves Microvessel Mapping in Super-Resolution Ultrasound” Under Review [arXiv]
- Schoen Jr, S. J. and Arvanitis, C. D., “Heterogeneous angular spectrum method for trans-skull imaging and focusing” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39(5) 605–1614 (2020) DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2019.2953872
- Patel, A., Schoen Jr, S. J. & Arvanitis, C. D. “Closed Loop Spatial and Temporal Control of Cavitation Activity with Passive Acoustic Mapping.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(7) 2022-2031 (2019) DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2018.2882337
- “Spatial Characterization of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Fields in the Brain” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148 (Virtual, Dec. 2020)
- Schoen Jr., S. J., Zhao, Z., Chen. S, Huang, C., & Arvanitis, C.D. “Computationally Efficient Methods for Vascular Characterization with Super-resolution Ultrasound” in BMES Annual Meeting (Virtual, Oct. 2020).
- Schoen Jr., S. J. “Towards efficient methods for transcranial ultrasound monitoring & control,” in 2020 Joint AAPM | Comp Meeting, ser. American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Virtual, Jul. 2020.
- Schoen Jr & Arvanitis, C.D. “Heterogeneous Angular Spectrum Method for Trans-skull Imaging and Focusing” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 (2019)
- Schoen Jr, S. J., Zhao, Z. & Arvanitis, C. D. “Efficient Sub-diffraction Passive Cavitation Imaging” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 145 (2019).
- Schoen Jr, S. J., Patel, A. & Arvanitis, C. D. “Real-Time Closed-Loop Spatiotemporal Control of Cavitation Activity with Passive Acoustic Mapping” in 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Kobe, Japan, Oct. 2018).
- Schoen Jr, S. J., Patel, A. & Arvanitis, C. D. “A Real-Time Passive Acoustic Mapping–Based Cavitation Controller” in 18th Meeting of the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (Nashville, TN USA, May 2018).
- Schoen Jr, S. J. & Arvanitis, C. D. “Passive Acoustic Mapping in Aberrating Media with the Angular Spectrum Approach” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, 3459 (2017).
- Schoen Jr, S.J., Zhao, Zhigen, Guo, Y., & Arvanitis, C. D. “Super-resolution Ultrasound with Morphological Image Reconstruction and Local Projection for Microvascular Characterization” in 2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Virtual, Sep. 2020).
- Lee, H., Schoen Jr, S. J., Guo, Y., Kim, C., & Arvanitis, C. D. “Autonomous Ultrasound System for Targeted Drug Delivery in Central Nervous System with Sub-millimeter Targeting Accuracy” 2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Virtual, Sep. 2020).
- Kilinc, M.S., Schoen Jr, S.J., Arvanitis, C. D., & Degertekin, F. “Detailed Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Lamb Wave Mode Conversion for Transcranial Ultrasound Delivery” in 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Glasgow, UK, Oct. 2019).
- Schoen Jr, S.J., Zhao, Zhigen, Guo, Y., & Arvanitis, C. D. “Spectrally Resolved Super-Resolution Ultrasound for Microvascular Imaging and Quantification” in 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Glasgow, UK, Oct. 2019).
- Lee, H., Schoen Jr S.J., Arvanitis C. D. “Automatic FUS System for Targeted Drug Delivery In Central Nervous System.” in Focused Ultrasound International Symposium 2018. 6th International Symposium on Focused Ultrasound (Reston, VA, Oct. 2018)
- Schoen Jr, S. J., Zhao, Z. & Arvanitis, C. D. “Super-Resolution Passive Acoustic Imaging of Microbubbles” in Biomedical Engineering Society 2018 (Atlanta, GA USA, Oct. 2018).
National Council of Acoustics Consultants (NCAC) Travel Award, ASA 179, Chicago, IL (2020)
2nd Place, ASA International Student Challenge Problem (2019)
ASA Travel Subsidy, ASA 178, San Diego, CA (2019)
Travel Award, ASA 177, Louisville, KY USA (2019)
Provost’s Award, Georgia Tech Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) Poster Competition (2019)
Session co-moderator and Student Travel Award Recipient, ISTU’18 Nashville, TN USA (2018)
Acoustical Society of America, Georgia Tech Student Chapter
President (2018), Vice President (2019), Treasurer (2017)
IEEE-UFFC Georgia Tech Student Chapter
Treasurer (2019)
Teaching: Practicum, ME 8813 (Biomedical Acoustics), Grader, ME 6761 (Acoustics II)
2013 – 2016 – Trident Research LLC, Austin, TX
Personal Interests: Drums & percussion, soccer refereeing, running